Casa Costa, Pujalt, Barcelona – Arriola & Fiol Arquitectes | Cápsula SCALAE «Trazas Trazos Trozos …de Arquitectura»
Carme Fiol and Andreu Arriola present the detail of a testimony, projected and materialized, of thei...
Our studio is placed at the core of Barcelona. With over 30 years of experience. We design with intuition and feeling and with as little material and expenditure as possible. A sustainable management system is set in order to ensure that architectural quality.
Carme Fiol and Andreu Arriola present the detail of a testimony, projected and materialized, of thei...
Within the framework of the Sant Jordi awards of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Carme Fiol has bee...
The Wagramer Straße in Vienna's Donaustadt District is undergoing a 1.1 kilometer redesign between ...
Upon encountering these writings again, I have often felt the desire to revisit the works of my coll...
We are proud to participate in the laudatio "Arquitectura de Barcelona i l'ETSAB" by Josep M. Montan...
After 10 years of project and works, A&F are proud to announce the inauguration of La Rose de Ch...
Carmen Fiol will give a lecture on metropolitan landscape of Barcelona at the Museum of History of B...
One week before the closing of the exhibition, Andreu Arriola and Carmen Fiol will host a lecture ex...