Andreu Arriola participates in “I valori del verde e del paesaggio” seminar in Cagliari, Sardinia

Cagliari is home of slow food. From May the 29rd untill the 30 they will host a Seminar called “I valori del verde e del paesaggio” about ecological growth and sustainable life.

In this context, there will be room for green architecture. As part of the seminar, “Il verde nella progettazione”, Andreu Arriola will participate by giving a lecture called: “Il paesaggio cubista nella cità mediterranea: Il parco di Nou Barris”. There he will expose the project of Nou Barris built in 2009.

Thursday, 29 May 2014 from 16:00 until 16:30 PM Centro Comunale d’Arte e Cultura il Ghetto, Cagliari, Italia
